Was honored when NTU Contemp{minated} approached SIM DanceArt to do a Guest item for their blackbox concert, Propulsion 2015, which happened last month @ The Substation Theatre. Peter decided to re-stage the Alumni item, Forget Me, Not from [ALL]titude 2014, and I was really glad to be able to be part of it! It was my favourite item and I really didn't mind performing it all over again:

Warming up + having our own mini 'photoshoot' in the alley hahaha:

With our choreographer, Kenneth:

Performance shots taken by the official photographer:

End of the 2nd/matinee show! With my #brunchdategirls:


And #teamhaunted! Glad to share the same stage with some of them again:


.... v.s. Reality hahahhaa:

Bev popped by to visit before the 3rd/final show because she was guilty of not coming to watch us HAHAHA:


And the other DanceArt people. Thanks for coming!!:

Windy! :D

So glad Forget me, Not was restaged for NTU's Propulsion 2015. A different and smaller cast this time round, but the emotions and intensity felt between each one of us are so much stronger. "Dance together, but focus on telling your own story. Think of what it is that makes you sad and tell it to the audience. Make them cry."
Over the weekend we couldn't wait for the 3 shows to be over, but I'm sure we are all missing those times now! I miss all the fun and stupid talks and loud laughters (hehe oops) with my brunch of crazy girls + Kenneth. It's amazing when you are surrounded by people with the same frequency as you. Thank you Kenneth, it really wouldn't be possible without you :')
And of course, THANK YOU PETER for ever having so much faith in me.
Watch the full dance video below if you're interested :)
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