Went to The Bubble Tea Factory with Vanessa Pee. Took advantage of their early bird price of S$25...? Which wasn't very cheap also lollll. We weren't expecting there to be much to do, but we actually spent an hour plus inside just taking photos haha. The whole setup was quite interesting!
We were #55! They only let around 8 people in at one time so that the whole place wouldn't be too crowded.
There were Challenge cards given to us, and completion of them allowed us to redeem some yummy snacks:
We were given a free cup of bubbletea each, from Truedan (apparently now you can make your own, and it's from Gong Cha!), and I really liked the Brown Sugar icecream (S$3) with its chewy pearls!
At iamkai's newest Sushi collection launch @ Hvala! Dragged Hannah along cos I can't stand being awkward alone at events:
Unintentionally dressed up like their Tamago pouch hahaha.
Thank you Christabel and the team for inviting me!
I'm flying off to Hokkaido tomorrow!! I'll be seeing REAL SNOW for the first time in my lifeeeeeeeee. I hope I don't freeze there because I can't take cold temperatures/weathers well... ho ho ho.
Merry Christmas everyone! :D
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