Me: "*in shock* It's done??"
Piercer: "Yah, but I can always take out and pierce again." HAHAHA irritating.
Have to commemorate this day since it was probably THE longest decision I took to make because there were so many considerations based on the lifestyle I was/am leading.
I took nearly 10 years to go ahead with it?? Hahaha my last piercing (nose) was 8 years ago. I still remember how addicted I was to ear piercings when I was in Secondary school LOL it was started due to peer pressure.
There was always this impulse + hesitation for a navel piercing but I never found the 'right time' to do it cos I was almost always dancing, and I used to swim quite abit as well. The piercing takes at least 6 months to a year to heal and in this time I'm not supposed to be 'too active' (which I was/am), wear high waisted bottoms (which is like 90% of my wardrobe hahaha), or wear tight fitting clothes (which I needed, like swimsuits or leotards).
But... this time the impulse was so strong idk why hahaha I also had the push from my friends around me to JUST DO IT... so I did!
The week before, I googled and youtube-d so much about navel piercings... especially about side effects/scarrings/migration etc cos I wanted to be prepared for the worst. I shouldn't have because they made me think twice everyday haha I didn't want an ugly-looking navel if the piercing really shifted.
How my piercing looked the next day:
I had my dance company's training the following morning so I didn't get to let my piercing rest at all HAHA but I knew that beforehand, so, no excuses!!
The first week was the worst... even sitting down normally was a chore because the belly area is so sensitive - I had to constantly sit super upright. Also, any little stretching movement I did made me feel like there was a cut in the skin being ripped open.
I also couldn't lie on my stomach due to friction, which limited a lot of floor movements (which I like) when I dance :( Partnering/liftings were obstacles also cos I constantly pull my body away as a defence mechanism.
But... I still danced every day and night since then hahaha.
Just about 4 days later my ring dropped out while I was wearing my shoes (dropping fresh studs are a nightmaaarre because it's always so painful putting them back in, and it's also scary how fast fresh holes close) - I think the screw was already loose due to constant rubbing with the skin, and when I stood up after bending down, my shirt got hooked onto the screw and it fell out. The studs landed with a loud CLANG at my lift lobby hahaha.
THANKFULLY and surprisingly it glided back in in one smooth motion hahaha. After that day, I became so paranoid that I constantly checked to see if the screw was loose.
This was after putting the bottom back in, before screwing in the top part:
2nd week onwards was much much better! Sometimes I forgot the piercing was even there.
And this was ~3 months later (6th May), with consecutive weeks of vigorous dancing. I think it kinda shifted a little already... but it still looks okay. The stud actually dropped out again (4th May) halfway while I was dancing at home but once again, the inserting back in was so smooth.
Also these few days there has been this slight bloody discharge and the 'ripping' pain felt in the first week, which I think is a sign of infection...? :(
Since then I've decided to STOP TOUCHING/ADJUSTING IT with my itchy fingers and it has gotten so much better now hahaha.
Okay end of updates :D
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