I haven't mentioned this to anyone, but till now, I still have the urge to learn more about Sports Science because I have always been a very active person since Primary school. I'm glad to know PSB Academy offers such a programme (amongst many others) to understand more about health and fitness - and it is applicable to almost everyone!

More on PSB Academy
For 50 years, PSB Academy has been successfully providing students with diverse opportunities to be keen learners. Being awarded a 4-year EduTrust Certification, it distinguishes itself as a leading provider of quality education, and affirms students of its stability and commitment to their learning and welfare.
They offer many different types of programmes ranging from Diplomas to Bachelor's degrees, and from Part-time to Full-time courses (for more information on this, head on to psb-academy.edu.sg/universities/).

For those who are interested in pursuing a Diploma in Sports & Exercise Science, or are still unsure what this course is all about, here are some information about the course you might wish to know!:
Diploma in Sports & Exercise Science (Part-time)
This programme is designed to meet an increasing demand and need for sport, health, exercise and fitness practitioners to help improve the health and fitness levels of individuals. It is also to nurture sport science and coaching practitioners who are focused on skills development and high-performance sports.
At the end of this programme, students will be able to:
- Understand the core knowledge on subjects related to sport and exercise sciences such as nutrition, psychology, functional anatomy, and strength and conditioning
- Apply the above knowledge towards developing skills in personal training and lifestyle/weight management
- Apply the above knowledge towards developing skills in principles of coaching and analysis of skills
- Be equipped with valuable hands-on and industry-related experience through quality supervision and applied projects.
What are the other perks of this programme?
- Applicable for 'O'/ 'N'/ 'A'-level/ ITE certificate holders
- Diploma can be completed in as short as 12 months!
- Upon successful completion of this programme, graduates can gain entry into PSB Academy's Year 2 degrees from Edinburgh Napier University, UK
- Accredited by the International Sports Professional Associations (ISPA) - the largest international accreditation body for professionals serving athletes and athletic communities worldwide.
(Click on for more info: HERE)

Sounds really tempting so far, doesn't it??
So... why choose PSB Academy?
1. It has 2 conveniently located campuses - PSBAcademy@Delta, a full-fledged campus, and PSBAcademy@Shenton, their city campus.
2. Complete facilities such as fully-equipped computer/ engineering/ science laboratories as well as other recreational facilities are available to all students.
3. There are friendly and dedicated lecturers to equip students with the knowledge and skills that are relevant to the industry.
4. A multinational student community helps foster culture and learning exchange.
5. It provides a nurturing and vibrant student life with its many Sports and Student clubs.
6. PSB Academy’s Certificates and Diplomas are widely recognised by some of the best universities in the world!

If you're still pondering over which school/course to choose, hesitate no more! Check out PSB Academy's website to get a better overview of the programmes they are offering. Next intake is in August 2014, good luck! ;)
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