For the uninitiated, Sample Store is the first and best tryvertising platform in Singapore offering hundreds of product sample with thousands of unbiased product reviews. It also provides FREE membership and FREE samples (with FREE delivery charges) in just a few simple steps!

Notice how in the 1st image above, under Step 3, it states '$5.99 Handling Fee / Free (Sponsored)'? To receive your FREE samples, you need to click on the Sponsored Samples tab from their website and choose the available products from there:

Here is what was included in my Sample Store package! So glad for the Hiruscar sample because I heard it can really lighten scars effectively:

Feel free to also review your products on the website once you've received/tried them! Because for every review you make (no worries, a short & sweet one is good enough), you earn 2 points which can be accumulated to be exchanged for other Sample Store products!
Create your account NOW to get your free samples at Sample Store!
Instagram: @SampleStore
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