Achieved a couple of dance choreography milestones this year (especially for SP SDZ!)... something that I didn't even want/think I would do if you asked me to before 2018. The above is one of them! :)
What was half-done and stashed away in Q1 of 2017 was finally brought back to life and completed in this little video project of ours... partly due to 1.5 years of constant nagging from Vanessa hahaha. The initial choreography was meant for the TRDO Youth League competition back in 2017, but the Tertiary segment got cancelled due to poor response so there was no point in me finishing it up. I was secretly glad HAHAHA because I was really lost and didn't know how to choreography properly.
So yes... the idea of turning it into a video sounded good, but it also took me awhile to tell myself that I could do it. I decided that I should really complete it by the end of 2018 if I were to say yes, thank you dancers for making it happen with just 2 rehearsals!! Hence everything is far from perfect... but as Li Rong put it (to comfort me and also herself...) - 不完美才是完美 hahaha.

And as you can tell, they were horribly dirty because of the floor hahaha. Thank you for tolerating the space!!! :)

They bought me these cakes from Châteraisé which were soooo delicious :D

Then I took the opportunity to shoot for Daniel Wellington again for their Xmas promotion lolol:

Anddddd it's Christmas today! Have a MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!
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