With my #brunchdategirls at Populus & Co. a week before Christmas (also on the same day as the videoshoot)! We probably created a lot of noise again hahaha what's new:

Wearing the earrings that Beverly gave to me as my Secret Santa (envelope above):

Saturday evening @ Yoshi's house with Windy and his friends:
Made these biscuits with smoked burrata cheese with cured meat with basil topping. Sooooo yummy but everything was so tedious to prepare. I didn't do much but it was already so tiring hahaha. BUT WORTH IT:

Xmas Eve!
My family doesn't celebrate Christmas but I try to do something every year to spice it up hahaha. The past 2 years I set up a mini Christmas tree and hung a wreath... this year my parents are at my grandparents' most of the time so I just bought a logcake over:

Then with the TRDO family also to celebrate Ryan's (advanced) birthday!!:

Christmas day! Did some toning for my hair (thank you Black Hair Salon!) and spent the rest of the day with Windy:

Drew a portrait for Windy as an Xmas gift (he kinda became older than was supposed to be hahaha):

And finally, this afternoon's Boxing Day lunch with Vanessa, Li Rong, Phylicia and Yunhui @ Lola's Cafe! Haven't been there for years... their prices have increased so much.
Erm, they are my students and 10 years younger than me hahhaahah but I'm like the shortest. Sure:

Sometime last week:

"It's raining..."

Soooo... I won't get to finish up whatever has happened in 2018 by the end of the year as I would have hoped to.... flying off to Yogya this Friday for the New Year! My 2nd time spending it away from SG.
Wishing all a HAPPY 2019!! :D
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